Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Pohjoismaat, henkilöstö, hyvinvointi, julkaisut, koulutusjärjestelmät, lapset, lapsiperheet, nuoret, perhepolitiikka, päivähoito, terveydenhuolto, terveyspalvelut, tukimuodot.

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Veto-ohjelman seurantaryhmä.
Kari Välimäki

Promoting children's welfare in the Nordic countries2008:15
Men and gender equality : towards progressive policies : conference report2006:75
International evaluation of the research activities of the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK)2006:60
National reports [i.e. report] on strategies for social protection and social inclusion - Finland2006:52
Longer careers? : the Veto Programme indicators2006:41
Alcohol issues in Finland after accession to the EU : consumption, harm and policy framework 1990-20052006:21
Occupational safety and health strategy : follow-up report 2004.2005:13