Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
1800-luku, Coleridge Samuel Taylor, Freud Sigmund, Iso-Britannia, Machiavelli, Machiavelli Niccolò, Psychoanalysis, Shakespeare William, filosofia, historia, valtioteoriat.
Teos | Kirjailija | Vuosi | Varasto |
The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882-1953 (2nd release). Electronic edition | John Dewey | 1996 | |
Nietzsche | Michael Tanner | 1996 | |
Schopenhauer | Christopher Janaway | 1994 | |
Jung | Anthony Stevens | 1994 | |
Freud | Anthony Storr | 1989 | |
Descartes | Tom Sorell | 1987 | |
Ruskin | George P. Landow | 1985 | |
Leibniz | G. MacDonald Ross | 1984 | |
Locke | John Dunn | 1984 | |
Diderot | Peter France | 1983 | |
Clausewitz | Michael Howard | 1983 | |
Coleridge | Richard Holmes | 1982 | |
Machiavelli | Quentin Skinner | 1981 | |
Engels | Terrell Carver | 1981 | |
Montaigne | Peter Burke | 1981 | |
Hume | A. J. Ayer | 1980 | |
Francis Bacon | Anthony Quinton | 1980 | |
Aquinas | Anthony Kenny | 1980 | |
Jesus | Humphrey Carpenter | 1980 |