Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
1700-luku, 1800-luku, Áemelaeus Christian, Itävalta, Polen, Puola, Rhodophyta, Ruotsi, Stierwald Carl Fredrik, Suomi, Sverige, Sweden, freshwater, historia, kasvisto, kasvitiede, keys, red algae, sienet, Österrike.

Suomi, ruotsi, englanti



Aphyllophoroid fungi of Finland : a check-list with ecology, distribution and threat categories19
Catalogue of lichens and allied fungi of Murmansk Region, Russia17
Lichens and allied fungi of the Eastern Leningrad Region16
Freshwater red algae (Rhodophyta) : identification guide to European taxa, particularly to those [found] in Finland15
Tanzanian mushrooms : edible, harmful and other fungi10
Bibliographic catalogue of Hieranium and Pilosella names published by Finnish authors9
Threatened plants and lichens on the northwest shore of Lake Ladoga, Republic of Karelia, Russia7
War time studies on the flora in the Porajärvi-Paatene area, Russian Karelia by the late Jorma Soveri5
Proceedings of the VII meeting of the Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe, August 23-24 1983, Helsinki2