Additional subfossil seals from Finland |
Ann Forsten
| 84 | 1977 | |
Multivariate analysis applied to interpretation of geographical characteristics of podzols southeastern Norway and western Denmark |
Erkki Jauhiainen
| 82 | 1976 | |
Variations in pollen frequency in a bog at Kangerjoki, N. E. Finland during the Flandrian |
Sheila Hicks
| 80 | 1975 | |
Studies on the taxonomic status and biology of Diphyllobothrium vogeli Kuhlow, 1953 |
Göran Bylund
| 79 | 1975 | |
Literature on marine biology in the Baltic area published in the years 1963-1972, with the addition of some symposium papers printed in 1973 and 1975 : a bibliography |
Sven Segerstråle
| 77 | 1975 | |
Comparison of the effects of temperature on conduction in the sympathetic nerve and ganglion of a hibernating and non-hibernating mammal |
Juhani Saarikoski
| 75 | 1975 | |
The spiders of some habitats at the Nåtö biological station (Åland, Finland) |
Pontus Palmgren
| 73 | 1974 | |
Evolutionary changes in the metapodials of fossil horses |
Ann-Mari Forstén
| 69 | 1973 | |
Age and degree of podzolization of sand soils on the coastal plain of northwest Finland |
Erkki Jauhiainen
| 68 | 1973 | |
Results of bottom fauna sampling in certain localities in the Tvärminne area (inner Baltic), with special reference to the so-called Macoma-Pontopreia theory |
Sven Segerstråle
| 67 | 1973 | |
Fossil Glutton (Gulo gulo (L.)) from Tornewton Cave, South Devon |
Björn Kurtén
| 66 | 1973 | |
Transberingian relationship of Ursus arctos Linné (Brown and Grizzly bears) |
Björn Kurtén
| 65 | 1973 | |
Geographic variation in size in the puma (Felis concolor) |
Björn Kurtén
| 63 | 1973 | |
Pleistocene jaguars in North America |
Björn Kurtén
| 62 | 1973 | |
Comparison of the Cartesian diver technique and the polarographic methods, an open system, for measuring the respiratory rates in three marine copepods |
Göran Gyllenberg
| 60 | 1973 | |
Flandrian regional pollen assenblage zones in eastern Finland |
Hannu Hyvärinen
| 59 | 1972 | |
Pathogenic effects of a diphyllobothriid plerocercoid on its host fishes |
Göran Bylund
| 58 | 1972 | |
Gallträsket: The geological development and palaeolimnology of a small polluted lake in southern Finland |
Pentti Alhonen
| 57 | 1972 | |
Effects of toxicants on brackish-water phytoplankton assimilation |
Åke Niemi
| 55 | 1972 | |
On the phytogeography of the Quebec-Labrador peninsula. 3, Notes on introduced species |
Ilmari Hustich
| 54 | 1972 | |
Pollen frequencis in the Flandrian sediments of Lake Vakojärvi, south Finland |
Joakim Donner
| 53 | 1972 | |
Studies on the spider populations of the surroundings of the Tvärminne zoological station, Finland |
Pontus Palmgren
| 52 | 1972 | |
The incidence of the broad fish tapeworm : diphyllobothrium latium, in the human population of Finland |
Markku Wikström
| 48 | 1972 | |
On the fauna of Psyllodea (Homoptera) from Morocco |
M. M. Loginova
| 47 | 1972 | |