
Additional subfossil seals from Finland84
Multivariate analysis applied to interpretation of geographical characteristics of podzols southeastern Norway and western Denmark82
Variations in pollen frequency in a bog at Kangerjoki, N. E. Finland during the Flandrian80
Studies on the taxonomic status and biology of Diphyllobothrium vogeli Kuhlow, 195379
Literature on marine biology in the Baltic area published in the years 1963-1972, with the addition of some symposium papers printed in 1973 and 1975 : a bibliography77
Comparison of the effects of temperature on conduction in the sympathetic nerve and ganglion of a hibernating and non-hibernating mammal75
The spiders of some habitats at the Nåtö biological station (Åland, Finland)73
Evolutionary changes in the metapodials of fossil horses69
Age and degree of podzolization of sand soils on the coastal plain of northwest Finland68
Results of bottom fauna sampling in certain localities in the Tvärminne area (inner Baltic), with special reference to the so-called Macoma-Pontopreia theory67
Fossil Glutton (Gulo gulo (L.)) from Tornewton Cave, South Devon66
Transberingian relationship of Ursus arctos Linné (Brown and Grizzly bears)65
Geographic variation in size in the puma (Felis concolor)63
Pleistocene jaguars in North America62
Comparison of the Cartesian diver technique and the polarographic methods, an open system, for measuring the respiratory rates in three marine copepods60
Flandrian regional pollen assenblage zones in eastern Finland59
Pathogenic effects of a diphyllobothriid plerocercoid on its host fishes58
Gallträsket: The geological development and palaeolimnology of a small polluted lake in southern Finland57
Effects of toxicants on brackish-water phytoplankton assimilation55
On the phytogeography of the Quebec-Labrador peninsula. 3, Notes on introduced species54
Pollen frequencis in the Flandrian sediments of Lake Vakojärvi, south Finland53
Studies on the spider populations of the surroundings of the Tvärminne zoological station, Finland52
The incidence of the broad fish tapeworm : diphyllobothrium latium, in the human population of Finland48
On the fauna of Psyllodea (Homoptera) from Morocco47