Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Books and reading, Children, Children's literature, Children's stories English, History and criticism, Moral and ethical aspects, Myth in literature, Social values in literature, Themes motives, arvot, barnlitteratur, kirjallisuudentutkimus, klassikot, kulttuurisidonnaisuus, lastenkirjallisuus, litteraturvetenskap, mukaelmat, nuortenkirjallisuus, sukupuolitutkimus, ungdomslitteratur.


The myth of Persephone in girls' fantasy literature80
The role of translators in children's literature : invisible storytellers71
Shakespeare in children's literature : gender and cultural capital58
Little women and the feminist imagination : criticism, controversy, personal essays6
New directions in picturebook research
The fantasy of family : nineteenth-century children's literature and the myth of the domestic ideal
The gothic in children's literature : haunting the borders
Russian children's literature and culture
Regendering the school story : sassy sissies and tattling tomboys