Sarjassa esiintyvät teemat
Conversation analysis, Globalization, Handbooks manuals etc, Language and languages, Language disorders, Languages in contact, Linguistic change, Sociolinguistics, Speech disorders, diskurssianalyysi, keskustelu, keskustelunanalyysi, kielellinen kehitys, kielellinen vuorovaikutus, kielelliset häiriöt, kielet, kieli, kielikontaktit, puhehäiriöt, sosiolingvistiikka.



The handbook of clinical linguistics24
The handbook of pragmatics16
The handbook of bilingualism15
The handbook of language and gender13
The handbook of language emergence
The handbook of English pronunciation
The handbook of narrative analysis
The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism
The handbook of conversation analysis
The handbook of language socialization
The handbook of language and globalization
The handbook of language and speech disorders
The handbook of phonetic sciences
A handbook of educational linguistics
The handbook of speech perception
The handbook of historical linguistics
The handbook of second language acquisition
The handbook of discourse analysis
The handbook of linguistics